First base.

First, like you should, we start with a thorough fact finder so we are sure we understand you before we start dishing out advice. Self-Assessment Form, click here to download.

Second base.

Second, we help you define your goals and objectives and understand your timeframe and even your exit strategy. (You're not getting any younger, you know :-)

Third Base.

Third, we start an integration process to fit our marketing systems like an overlay on to what you're currently doing now because we know you need to stay in business, while you improve your business. Rome wasn't built in a day. And your new skills won't come overnight either.

Home Plate.
Fourth, constant coaching and accountability. It's a home run!

We help you deploy and keep you focused on your goals and timeframes, and improving your deficiencies. You didn't join us so we could tell you you're doing great... if you're not! We won't kid you; we'll push you. That's what a coach does.